Honestly, i couldnt have expected more from a game like this. Immediately after opening this application, i was mesmerized by the realism. This honestly made me feel like i was on a real hoverboard. Recently, i have experienced some unfortunate events. I am the proud owner of a hoverboard and recently, it broke because of technical difficulties. I fell into a deep depression because of this event. I had no idea where to turn to. This hoverboard simulator application however saved my life. I was suicidal. Crazy, at best. I only had one remaining option, to create the same happiness i originally had while riding a hoverboard. So I turned to the next best thing. The hoverboard simulator. The extreme graphics that are implemented into this game make you feel like you are legitimately riding a hoverboard. The locations in which you can ride it in are just like the ones in real life. This game brought me out of one of the most depressing times of my life, and turned it into the best time of my life. I feel like i have been making gains since I got addicted to this app. Spread word of the happiness that this app brings, this can save many lives. #bestappever
WestWacko about Simulator Hoverboard